Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts

Chris Hardwick Mandroid Nerdist Interview

Chris Hardwick is kind of like a Nerd Ambassador – he brings enthusiasm and excitement to every topic he covers, whether it's as host of AMC's The Talking Dead (the live discussion follow-up show to The Walking Dead); in his podcast, where he asks the questions that everyone really wants to hear to such stars as Tom Hanks, Timothy Olyphant or Walking star Andrew Lincoln; or during his stand-up shows to sold-out crowds (his first Comedy Central stand-up special, Mandroid, hits DVD this week).

Pics: Stars Keep It Real

"I wasn't ashamed of the stuff I was into, but I was nervous about being open about it; when you're young you don't want people to tell you you're weird, but everything I was into was [considered] a little weird," the 41-year-old Chris tells ETonline. Back in the '70s, being a nerd was something that you could get beat up for, but now an entire generation wears the moniker like a badge of honor: "Traditionally nerd-based culture is now a big sector of pop culture. … It's not niche anymore, so [with Nerdist] we can actually kind of try to blow it up even more."

I spoke with Hardwick while he was zigzagging through the streets of Bloomington, IN, in search of his girlfriend at a local coffee shop just a few hours before a performing a set of two shows. "I'm lost in Indiana right now, trying to figure out where I'm at," he told me, apologetic for being slightly distracted. "I'm turned around – Apple Maps has been kind of a fail here in Indiana."

Asked if he was planning to include some of the Mandroid bits in his performance, the former co-host of MTV's Singled Out laughed, "No, no, you're not allowed to do that. There's no law against it, but it's just bad form as a comic to release a special and then just go on the road and do that material. People pay to see you, and they don't want to see the same jokes that they just saw for free on television, you know? [Comics] don't get the kind of leeway that a band gets, like, 'Yeah, the Stones are playing Satisfaction, sweet!' If you do a joke that's really old, then what happens is people on Reddit and Twitter just go, 'Real original, you're just doing old jokes!' But bands do it all the time."

Hardwick says he loves doing live television, that it's "a lot more organic than having a scripted show." But with producers keeping such a tight lid on all Walking Dead spoilers, there are pitfalls that Hardwick chooses to avoid: "They offer them to me, but I don't watch ahead of time – I mean, I could watch as many episodes as are completed, but I don't because, No. 1, it's a live show -- I don't want to accidentally blurt out something that I can't take back – but then also I feel like as consumers we've gotten so spoiled with just being able to watch things a season at a time, and I know that's really satisfying, but I also feel like there's a nice purity of television-watching where you get to anticipate and theorize and look forward to something at a certain time each week. There's a whole generation of people under 25, you say that to them and their eyes just glaze over. They don't understand. 'You know, there was a certain time if you missed something on television, that was it!' … There's actually kind of a communal bonding experience that you get with your friends when you watch that way."

As for his growing Nerdist empire (which has grown to be a many-headed beast), Hardwick simply states, "I'm a fan of stuff and I get excited. Look, I'm a comic and I understand being cynical, but I feel like there's such a layer of cynicism in our society right now – there's a whole sector that thinks it's not cool to just like things. The 'Hipster Nerds' like stuff because they hate it. It's like they ironically like it. What's wrong with celebrating things that you love? I think the core of everything we do at Nerdist is like, 'Hey, are you passionate about something? Then here, you should get to work around that or be around it or experience it in some way and be proud of it and celebrate it.' I think that's why we're able to get Neil Patrick Harris to do a Henson puppet show, because he loves puppets. That's kind of where we live."

Video: Is Vanessa Lachey Rooting for Hotties or Nerds?

In addition to this week's Mandroid release, next up Hardwick is hosting the Third Annual Streamy Awards, honoring excellence in original online video programming and streaming live February 17 from The Hollywood Palladium.

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Barbara Walters Recovering After Fall

Barbara Walters has been hospitalized after taking a tumble on Saturday night in Washington, D.C., but a rep tells ET that the 83-year-old newswoman looks to be recovering well.

"Barbara Walters fell on a stair last evening while visiting the British Ambassador's residence and the fall left her with a cut on her forehead," the rep confirmed to ET. "Out of an abundance of caution, she went to the hospital to have her cut tended to, have a full examination and remains there for observation. Barbara is alert (and telling everyone what to do), which we all take as a very positive sign."

RELATED: Barbara Walters' 'Most Fascinating People' List

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Manti Teo ESPN Interview on Lennay Kekua

Given the worldwide attention given to Manti Te'o and his fake girlfriend, Lennay Kekua, since it was inevitable the football star would break his silence sooner rather than later. Last night, Te'o sat down for an off-camera interview with ESPN's Jeremy Schaap, where he admitted to lyng about actually meeting Kekua because he believed his friends, family and coaches would think he was "crazy" for engaging in an intense relationship with someone he'd never met. But, throughout the interview, Te'o maintains he was not complicit in perpetuating the story for personal gain.

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"I wasn't faking it. I wasn't part of this," Te'o tells ESPN's Jeremy Schapp, insisting he was duped by the online hoax, now commonly referred to as "Catifshing," thanks to the documentary and MTV show of the same name.

RELATED - Catfish Creator Talks Manti Te'o

"She friend requested me on Facebook the winter of my freshman year at Notre Dame," Te'o explains. "We spoke on the phone. We spoke on the phone and talked on the phone, texted. But it's always as acquaintances, as friends. And then she contacted me that Purdue game and she just said 'Hey, how are you doing? I'm going through some hard times with my boyfriend' -- at the time she had a boyfriend at the time. And just want you to be there for me, just be my friend. I said sure, I'll be here for you."

Te'o clarifies that the duration of the relationship has been widely misreported, saying that their were large chunks of time they went without speaking throughout the four year period in question.

RELATED - Have You Ever Bee Catfished?

Then, during Te'o's junior year at Notre Dame, Kekua (who is now believed to be a man named Ronaiah Tuiasosopo and at least one female accomplice) reconnected with him. "We spoke on the phone. We spoke on the phone and talked on the phone, texted. But it's always as acquaintances, as friends ... And eventually we just kept talking and kept talking and kept talking. Everything kind of changed a little when her dad passed away. She told me her dad passed away, and I was there. I was just being that shoulder to cry on ... And so our relationship kind of took another level. But not the kind of exclusive level yet. I was trying to get to know her and get to know a whole bunch of other people. And for that period of time we talked and talked and got to know each other better and better and better. And everything changed April 28th. I got a phone call from her brother that she had got in the car accident."

Te'o says that Kekua's brother acted as an intermediary between them throughout her hospitalization. "I would ask to talk to her, and the only communication I had was through her brother and he used her phone," Te'o says. "He would put me supposedly right next to her mouth and I could hear the ventilator going. And she would be breathing ... They were telling me, 'Bro, she recognized your voice. We know she's there. We know she can hear you.' She would quicken her voice. And I heard it on the phone. They would do it to me. And so that was my communication while she was in a coma."

When asked by Schaap why Te'o didn't think to visit her, he says, "It never really crossed my mind. I don't know. I was in school. I was finishing up my year and I was going home. It was towards the end of my junior year. End of my junior year, and I was about to go home. When I decided to go home, the day that I decided to -- the day I left to go home -- they called me and said that that was the same day that they were going to pull the plug. And so it intensifies the whole thing. I'm on the plane. I figured they're about to pull the plug on someone ... All my focus went just to her, in caring for her. Making sure she was OK. Whenever you feel that you're about to lose somebody, you know, reality kicks in, and it's like, okay, I'm going to be here for her, take care of her. And so my focus turned straight to Lennay."

Te'o not only recounts pieces of the elaborate backstory he was fed, but also explains there was a seemingly endless array of photos; all of which convinced him Kekua was real.

Then, in early July, Te'o is told that Keuka has leukemia, which only intensifies his feelings for her. Throughout her treatment, Te'o constantly spoke to Keuka via phonecalls and online chats. Then, on September 12, Te'o's parents called to say his grandmother had passed away, hours later, Keuka called. "I had already found out that grandma is dead. I was angry. I didn't want to be bothered. So Lennay was just trying to be there for me. I just -- I just wanted my own space. We got in an argument. She was saying, you know, I'm trying to be here for you. I didn't want to be bothered. I wanted to be left alone. I just wanted to be by myself."

"Later that day I get a text message from her brother, just saying 'Bro. That was it.' I wondered why her brother was contacting me. Couple minutes later, I get the call from her brother. He's telling me, he's crying, screaming, and he's just telling me, 'She's gone! She's gone!' He's mumbling, 'She's gone, she's gone, bro', she's gone.' And I'm sitting there wondering who is gone? Why is he telling me that somebody's gone. Lennay's supposed to get home on September 11th, the day before. She was fine, you know? She was going home, she was fine. People were saying that she's getting better. I get a phone call that she's gone. They tell me Lennay's gone."

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"I dropped the phone. I walk around the corner to get to the hall way where nobody is... I started crying and crying, punching the wall." Te'o adds, "Looking back on it now? I don't know. I really don't know. One, to lie about it, and two, to coordinate this death on the same day that I lost my grandmother, I don't know."

For those who believed Te'o created this entire scenario to garner sympathy in a big to win The Heisman Trophy, their biggest piece of evidence is that Te'o didn't attend Keuka's funeral. He tells ESPN the reason he didn't go was because her funeral fell on the same day as a big game. "Before Lennay passed away, we had a conversation where she asked me if she passed away, if I could go to her funeral? I told her no, I'm not going to talk like that. I'm not going to talk like that. She said tell me this, if anything happens, promise me that you'll send me white roses and say you'll play. She said all I want is white roses. And leading up to the funeral, her siblings kept telling me that their mom told them she didn't want me to come. They didn't want -- and I didn't want myself -- I didn't want that to be the first time that I saw her was lying in a coffin. That's why I didn't go."

Months pass, and Te'o begins dating a girl named Alex del Pilar. Then, on December 6, he gets a phonecall from Lennay's sister U'i. "She said, 'Hey, I've got to tell you something that's very important.' So she goes through this whole spiel how my family's involved with drugs and like bad people. And we have to hide and make sure that everybody's -- she's giving me this background about their life. She just basically said I think you know. And I said what do you mean? I don't know anything. She said, well, Manti, it's me. That's all she said."

"I eventually just gave up and said, who is me? And she said, it's Lennay. So we carried on that conversation, and I just got mad. I just went on a rampage. How could you do this to me? I ended that conversation by saying, simply this: You know what, Lennay, my Lennay died on September 12. I don't know who you are, but Lennay died on September 12th and that conversation ended."

Another fact detractors point to as evidence Te'o was complicit in the lie is that he continued to talk about Lennay in subsequent interviews as if she were real. Te'o cites his initial confusion as the reason behind those incidents. 

Since then, Te'o has continued to speak with U'i and Ronaiah in a quest to find out the truth. However, once the story broke, Te'o says his been contacted by several people who were similarly duped by the duo. "Multiple people that he's done it to me contacted me ... and said hey, he's done the same thing to me with the same girl, with the same story. And if you need any help, I'm here."

Te'o, for one, is hoping this saga comes to a close much faster than I believe it will. As for what he'd like to see happen to his hoaxers, Te'o says, "To be honest with you, it doesn't seem real. I hope he learns. I hope he understands what he's done. I don't wish an ill thing to somebody. I just hope he learns. I think embarrassment is big enough."

To read Manti Te'o's entire and all-encompassing interview with ESPN, click here.

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Ashley Benson on How I Met Your Mother Exclusive Clip

In 2007, Lucy Hale played Robin's little sister, Katie Scherbatsky, in an episode of How I Met Your Mother, titled First Time in New York and on Monday, another one of ABC Family's Pretty Little Liars heads on over to CBS' hit comedy.

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In Ring Up, Ashley Benson plays a much (much!) younger girl Ted has started dating ... one whose date and word choices constantly remind him just how old he actually is.

RELATED - Lindsey Shaw Opens Up About Dark PLL Days

Watch ETonline's exclusive sneak peek of Benson on HIMYM and use the comments to guess which girl (Troian Bellisario, Shay Mitchell) will stop by MacLaren's next, making it a PLL hat trick!

How I Met Your Mother
airs Mondays at 8 p.m. on CBS.

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Advice Columnist Pauline Friedman Phillips 'Dear Abby' Dies

Longtime newspaper advice columnist Pauline Friedman Phillips -- who wrote Dear Abby under the name Abigail Van Buren -- has died at age 94.

Her publicist confirmed to the Associated Press that Phillips died Wednesday after a long battle with Alzheimer's disease.

PICS: Star Sightings

Since her family revealed in 2002 that Phillips had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, her daughter, Jeanne Phillips (pictured above), has been the sole author for the syndicated Dear Abby column.

Phillips' column competed for decades with the advice column of Ann Landers, which was written by her twin sister, Esther Friedman Lederer, who died in June 2002. 

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Pretty Little Liars Star Lindsey Shaw Talks Love Me

On last night's episode of Pretty Little Liars, I was shocked to hear Paige, of all people, making so much sense when it came to emotionally handling the recent Rosewood developments. I mean, this was a girl who previously expressed her love for Emily by trying to drown her.

And it's a good thing Paige has come a long way since then because Lindsey Shaw's latest character -- Sylvia in the thrilling Save Me -- could use a little waking up when it comes to her choices. In the new movie (now on DVD) Shaw's Sylvia falls for a mysterious young man who is later implicated in his ex-girlfriend's disappearance. But Sylvia's love overrides her rational thinking and she finds herself in a very dangerous game.

I caught up with Miss. Shaw this morning to talk about Love Me, and discovered we both had the same cinematic touchstone for the film!

ETonline: OK, so I have to tell you, Love Me reminded me so much of Fear, one of my favorite movies, ever.

Lindsey Shaw: Stop it! Stop it right now, that's exactly what I told them when I was getting driven from the airport to my first wardrobe fitting. That is exactly the vibe I got from it and I love that movie, so I'm excited to hear you say that.

RELATED - Shay Mitchell Talks Emily & Paige

ETonline: What is it about Love Me, and Fear, that appealed to you?

Shaw: It's those intense emotions you have when you're young. I'm intrigued by the naivety of a young girl wanting to believe in love and a guy wanting to give that to her, but that not being the whole story. Fear obviously goes very far in that direction, while Love Me keeps pushing the stakes and edging in that direction until the breaking point. The twisted personality and the uncertainty are appealing.

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ETonline: Are thrillers like this fun to make?

Shaw: Absolutely. There's no ceiling on the drama you can bring with these movies. For most people, no situation will ever get this intense in real life. so getting to go as far as you possibly can is so much fun. You get to scream and to have permission to let all those crazy and bad and weird emotions out is really cool. Then, you go home at night and are fine.

ETonline: I know you're active on Twitter, what have your fans been saying about Love Me?

Shaw: It's been great. They really support me in anything I do. Yesterday the movie was a little bit in competition with my premiere episode of PLL. But through that, I pimped out the movie, which was genius -- I hope they all check it out.

RELATED - 6 Burning PLL Questions Answered

ETonline: You know, I have to say, I was surprised by how sane and rational Paige was in last night's PLL.

Shaw: It's so funny, I didn't make that connection at first, but everyone on Twitter was saying that too. She was the voice of reason, which is so cool. Sylvia, I think she's normally the voice of reason; she just gets caught up in this intense situation. I think she plows forward in a way she normally wouldn't. Interesting juxtaposition for both of those characters.

ETonline: I thought it was refreshing, and important, to see the rawness of Paige's emotions like that.

Shaw: That is my absolute favorite thing about this whole season of PLL. We all saw what happened to her in the summer finale, but I think because of the Halloween episode people don't remember this hugely traumatic thing happened to her. She's changed so much by that, so it absolutely alters her personality and character, which is a tip to the writers. That theme continues throughout the whole season. Of course, on PLL, you only get light to get dark again, so she's only reasonable for so long [laughs].

ETonline: Would you say there's one character you've played who is closest to who Lindsey really is?

Shaw: I love every single woman I've played, but the one that synched up the most was Kat on 10 Things I Hate About You. I'm still so, so bummed about that show. I think I'll be bummed forever. To have a feeling like that is one of the most validating things I've ever been through. I was her and so empowered on that set. In a way, I'm glad it didn't last because I'm uncomfortable again, which is also fun. But Kat Stratford for sure dude, feminist all the way. I think the characters that come to you are the ones you need at that time. I've definitely learned so much about being a woman from so much about every single woman I've played. Even Jennifer Mosely. Little, pre-pubescent Jennifer Mosely.

Love Me
is now available and Pretty Little Liars airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on ABC Family.

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Vogue's Andre Leon Talley Interviews Jennifer Lopez on Sidelines of the Golden Globes

Vogue contributor Andre Leon Talley was front and center at Sunday's Golden Globe Awards and was able to snag an interview with one of the night's fashion winners, Jennifer Lopez!

In addition to complimenting the singer/actress/entrepreneur on the amazingly sheer Zuhair Murad gown she wore on the red carpet, Andre also got an update on Lopez's two children. "They're good, they're great," she said of her twins Max and Emme. "They're going to be five, and it seems like they were just born. But they are going to be five next month."

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When asked whether she also takes the famous twins on shopping trips, J.Lo confessed, "they do know Target." She also said she spends a lot of playtime with the kids outside at various parks, even while taking them on tour all over the world.

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Addressing her two-outfit wardrobe change during the Golden Globes, the award-winning entertainer said it's always fun to switch things up. "You know, I go through phases -- a girl has to change it up every once in a while." She then revealed: "I had to change, it was tight -- that dress -- and I needed something open."

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Watch the video to also hear Jennifer reveal to Andre her favorite Vogue cover and for a preview of her upcoming crime thriller Parker, co-starring Jason Statham.

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Josh Duhamel Safe Haven Interview NCM Fathom Event

Josh Duhamel has a lot to live up to now that he's bringing a Nicholas Sparks leading man to life. But how will Duhamel's in Safe Haven compare to Ryan Gosling's work in The Notebook, Channing Tatum's performance in Dear John or Liam Hemsworth's star-making role in The Last Song?

That was just one of the questions I asked when Duhamel rang up ETonine in support of A Night With Nicholas Sparks' Safe Haven: Filmmakers, Author and Stars Bring the Book to Life, the NCM Fathom event taking place in cinemas nationwide on January 17.

ETonline: This is a very cool partnership you're doing with NCM Fathom. What appealed to you about this opportunity?

Josh Duhamel: I thought it was an interesting new way to get people interested and involved with the movie. The way Hollywood involves fans now is much different than it was when I first started, 12 years ago. Especially with a genre like this.

ETonline: Twitter has become a major way stars connect with their fans. Are you a fan of the platform?

Duhamel: It's interesting. There's something to be said about keeping your anonymity in some ways; maintaining some mystery. Some people say that familiarity breeds contempt, while sometimes it's the other way around. Nobody wants to know what I'm doing 24 hours a day, they'd be painfully bored, trust me [laughs]. At the same time, if I'm doing something interesting or funny, I like being able to share that with my fans. I'm not a completely closed book; I'm a social person and if I see something worth sharing, I'm happy to do that.

VIDEO - Exclusive Behind the Scenes of Safe Haven

ETonline: One of the things you'll talk about during the NCM Fathom event is the film's production. Did you have a good time making this movie?

Duhamel: It was one of the best experiences I've ever had. I'll be honest; you have to be a pretty miserable person to not enjoy making movies. It's something I always dreamed about. I do not take it for granted. We were in Southport, North Carolina -- this beachtown in the middle of summer. Julianne is so much fun to work with. She's so real, and Lasse [Hallstrom, director] is about the most collaborative director you could have. You can do no wrong with him, and when you're in a situation like that, you can't help but make a movie you're proud of. All the elements were there to make the kind of movie we set out to. I'm so grateful I got the opportunity to work with him, Lasse is one of the greats.

VIDEO - Julianne Hough's Shocking Admission

ETonline: When you first read the script, what appealed to you about this role?

Duhamel: To be honest, and I talked to Nicholas at length about this, if I was going to do this character, I wanted the freedom to make him three dimensional. I ran the risk of playing a boring suburban dad. The interesting parts in the script were Julianne's character, and David Lyons' character. Mine was a guy who could have easily been boring. But Lasse was open to all these ideas, and it was so much about finding moments in improv, that we ended up with something amazing. I mean, this is a single guy in the prime of his life trying to raise two kids and run a store, there's a lot of complexity there, and sometimes those are the hardest characters to play. They're not obvious, you have to do a lot of searching to find what these characters are made of.

ETonline: Now that you've created a character you're proud of, do you think he stands up against previous Sparks' men, like Noah in The Notebook or John in Dear John?

Duhamel: You can only hope. There have been so many successful stories and movies that Nicholas has told over the years, it's scary to compare yourself to those. We wanted sentiment without being sentimental here, and I talked at length with Nicholas about this. He said to me that if you look at a character like Noah, he's a guy who spends a whole movie pining for a girl. It was what Ryan brought to it that made the movie so interesting -- and that's what we focused on here. Forgetting what the expectations of a movie like this are and just focusing on getting to the core of what these two people are going through. By doing that, I think we found a lot of real moments between these two broken people who weren't searching for love, but happened to find it.

ETonline: Nicholas Sparks' movies are notorious for making people cry -- what was the last thing that made you cry?

Duhamel: Just yesterday, I was shown this love story that's told in 22 pictures. You can go online and look at it -- it's 22 photos about the genesis of this couple's relationship. It tells the whole story of their love in 22 photos and that had me crying. I'm a bit of a sap in that way. It doesn't take much to make me cry if I'm being honest.

NCM Fathom's A Night With Nicholas Sparks' Safe Haven in theater Q&A is on January 17, click here to buy tickets!

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Miss New York Mallory Hytes Hagan Wins Miss America

Brooklyn, New York native Mallory Hytes Hagan, 23, was crowned this year's Miss America -- beating out Miss South Carolina Ali Rogers and Miss Oklahoma Alicia Clifton, who placed second and third respectively.

Hagan tap danced to James Brown's Get Up Off That Thing and answered a timely question about armed guards in schools – stating that violence is not the proper way to end violence – to clinch the win Saturday night in Las Vegas.

Related: Miss America Contestant to Have Double Mastectomy

Hagan, whose platform issue is child sexual abuse prevention, attended the Fashion Institute of Technology, and plans to obtain a degree in Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing.

Clearly, her newly won $50,000 scholarship will be put to good use!

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Miss Wyoming Lexie Madden and Miss Iowa Mariah Cary also made the top five, before falling short to Hagan, who was considered an underdog heading into the competition.

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Buzzmakers: Dina Lohan's Black Eye And New The Voice Clips

What had ET readers buzzing this week?

1. Dina Lohan's Black Eye Photos

Following Dina Lohan's shocking claims that her husband Michael abused her during their marriage (and Michael's denial), ET has obtained vintage photos of the mother of four with a black eye.

Click here for the shocking pics.

2. 'The Voice' Coaches Dish on New Season

It looks like Adam Levine is off the hook for the upcoming season of The Voice, as Blake Shelton has a new man crush on Usher.

During the Television Critics Association Press Tour, the singers revealed that Shelton's uncomfortable advances towards Levine -- done in jest -- have now been turned to the newest male addition on the coaching panel.

"He's left me for Usher now," Levine joked. "So he gets to spend the season making Usher feel uncomfortable."

"And I think I'm doing a really good job of that, by the way," Shelton added. "I've said and done about everything that crosses the line."

While Shelton's focused on Usher, the rest of the fellas seem to have eyes for Shakira, who will also be joining the show for the upcoming season.

"She's so sexy," said host Carson Daly.

"She's a sweetheart," Levine agreed.

Season four of The Voice premieres March 25 on NBC. Click here for the panel's new interviews!

3. Miranda Lambert Defends Her Chris Brown Comments

Country crooner Miranda Lambert has no intention of retracting her statements made this past year about R&B singer Chris Brown and his domestic abuse in 2009 towards his on-again, off-again girlfriend Rihanna.

At the Grammy Awards this past year, Lambert, 29, tweeted following Brown's performance, writing: "He beat on a girl. not cool that we act like that didn't happen."

"I didn't feel right about not saying something. The loudmouth that I am, I say what I think," she told Redbook magazine of the tweet. "I wanted everyone to know that I don't agree with the message it's sending to young women."

Adding to her opinion of Brown, Lambert, who is married to The Voice judge Blake Shelton, said, "It's not okay. At all. To be celebrated after doing something like that. I don't think it's right, I never will, and I will stand by what I said till the day that I die."

4. Diane Lane After Husband Josh Brolin's Arrest

As news broke of Josh Brolin's New Year's Day arrest, ET caught up with Brolin's wife Diane Lane at the Palm Springs International Film Festival, where she appeared sans her husband.

Lane arrived cheerful and relaxed alongside her Nights of Rodanthe co-star Richard Gere, whom she presented the Chairman's Award.

"[Brolin] is actually with my wife [actress Carey Lowell] tonight, so everything's fine," joked Gere when asked how Brolin felt about missing the event.

"We have an arrangement," Lane kidded. "It's all good."

5. Fierce Fashions: The 2013 People's Choice Awards

The sparkling stars of film, TV and music donned their red carpet best as they kicked off awards season Wednesday night at the 2013 People's Choice Awards in Los Angeles.

Visit our gallery for all the stunning styles!

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Shay Mitchell Pretty Little Liars 3B Interview

At Thursday's Pretty Little Liars Television Critics Association Tour panel, executive producer Marlene King spoke about the heightened reality of Rosewood -- and while she was referring to the girl's clothes, it also applies to the way all the characters deal with the life and death situations they're constantly caught in.

That's why I was so surprised to see Paige forcing Emily to confront what happened -- both in the lighthouse and on the Halloween train to hell -- in a new sneak peek from Tuesday's episode, titled Mona Mania.

But that's just the start of an exciting new arc for Paige, as EP Oliver Goldstick told me, and star Shay Mitchell reinforced when we chatted at TCA. Not only did she gush about Paily, but Mitchell teased the return of Dr. Sullivan and explained why she loves Emily so much.

ETonline: Emily killed a man in the mid-season finale, but it wasn't really addressed in the Halloween episode or the season premiere. Will we see more of that in the coming weeks?

Shay Mitchell: Definitely. It's one of the things Emily goes through big time this year. I'm sure there's a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff you won't see, with her talking to her parents, but eventually there is a bit of a breaking point. A moment where she says, "Wow, I took someone's life" and ends up seeking therapy.

RELATED - 6 Burning PLL Premiere Questions Answered

ETonline: When she gets back on Dr. Sullivan's couch, what kind of stuff is she dealing with?

Mitchell: Emily always wants to give people the benefit of the doubt, but she ended up trusting someone who said they were the cousin of her dead girlfriend. I mean, that's a pretty sick person for her to have trusted. Because of that, she not only risked her life, but Paige's as well. So she's working on patching up their relationship and moving forward. But Paige wants to know what the hell is going on, so Emily explains as much as she can to Paige about what they've all been dealing with. Emily is going to try and not keep as many secrets this year.

ETonline: So where are we now with Paige and Emily's relationship?

Mitchell: I feel like it's finally gotten to a point where they have the support of Emily's friends. Before the Halloween episode, everybody was thinking Paige could be on The "A" Team, and she had reason to be. I love Paige's arc this season. She came on and no one liked her. Emily fans especially would always Tweet me, "She tried to drown you! We hate her!" For a while they did not want to see Emily with Paige, especially after Maya. I had Maya fans wanting to kill Paige, but Marlene really turned her around in the fan's eyes, and now I have so many Paily supporters out there. I love that relationship, and I'm so glad other people do too.

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ETonline: Why do you think Emily was so quick to give Paige a second (and third) chance after some of the crazy things she had done, like try to drown her?

Mitchell: Emily has always given everyone the benefit of the doubt and always wants to know why people do certain things before passing judgment. If Emily finds out about Toby, that's what she's going to want to know. She had such a special bond with him, Toby understood her like no one else could at the time. She basically came out to him before anyone else, so it will be interesting. More so than anger, it will be about why. Just explain the "why" to Emily and you're golden. She doesn't hold grudges or resentment. She just wants to understand your side so she can back you up, and that's one of the qualities I love about her so much -- she's not quick to dismiss.

ETonline: What are you excited for the fans to see this season?

Mitchell: I'm really excited to see if and when Toby gets revealed -- and how Spencer handles that. I mean, could you imagine? One season you're in bed with someone and the next season they're 'A' -- I can't wait to see how she deals with that. Spencer's family isn't the kind you can fall back on. I mean, this is the closest person to her, and she'll lose all her trust in him.

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ETonline: During a video shown before today's panel, Ashley Benson said she's praying Hanna is actually 'A' -- do you feel the same with Emily?

Mitchell: Oh yes! You know, I've played a sweet girl for a long time. Whenever I get to be a bit of a badass, I love it. Whether it's stabbing someone or whatever, it's fun for me and I think everybody likes to play the villain once in a while. We're always coming up with excuses for the characters, and Emily's would be that no one would expect her to be 'A' -- Emily is so innocent ... but maybe she's not. Maybe her and Alison made a pact that they'd do this together.

ETonline: I feel like your fans would riot if that happened.

Mitchell: [laughs] I think so too! If Emily goes bad, then there's no hope in life. You might as well give up and move far, far away because nobody is good if that’s the case.

Pretty Little Liars
airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on ABC Family.

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'Life of Pi' Director Shocked at Affleck & Bigelow Oscar Snubs

Oscar winning director Ang Lee received wonderful news this morning when he received his third Best Director nomination for Life of Pi. But after learning of his fellow nominees in the category, he tells ET Canada that he was shocked that Ben Affleck and Kathryn Bigelow were snubbed by the Academy, despite their respective movies (Argo and Zero Dark Thirty) being nominated for Best Picture.

ET's Complete Oscar Coverage

"I was shocked," says Lee. "It's not that I don't think the others should have been nominated -- I'm happy for everyone including myself -- but these two seemed to be the sure thing from the beginning. They didn't miss any of the [other award season] nominations."

In fact, both Affleck and Bigelow were just announced to be the finalist for the Directors Guild of America's top honor alongside Lee, Steven Spielberg (Lincoln) and Tom Hooper (Les Miserables). Both Affleck and Bigelow also received director noms for the BAFTA Film Awards, Critics Choice and Golden Globes.

Despite not landing what Lee calls "the last one, the big one" of the entire awards season, he says he is is looking forward to meeting them at the DGA this week.

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Lee reveals that he found out about Life of Pi's 11 nominations from his assistant on the phone: "I heard heavy breathing on the other end, and I thought, 'Oh this is gonna be good.'" He adds, "I was expecting a lot less, so this is more than I could have hoped for."

Hosted by Seth MacFarlane, the 85th Academy Awards will air live from Hollywood Sunday, February 24, 2013 on ABC.

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Beyonce Shows Incredible Post Baby Body on GQ Cover

Nearly a year to the day after giving birth to her first child Blue Ivy, Beyonce is ready to unveil her unbelievable post-baby body!

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The GQ February 2013 cover girl shows off her killer abs (and her football spirit) for the special issue highlighting the 100 sexiest women of the 21st century. The list, starting with Bey, also recognizes Megan Fox, Kate Upton and Mila Kunis with the enviable distinction.

The racy cover, leaked to the web on Wednesday, created an internet frenzy which prompted the magazine to release the official photo ahead of schedule.

You can check out the entire spread online at Tuesday, January 15.

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McConaughey Basks in Awards Glow at NYFCC Event

Matthew McConaughey, Rachel Weisz, Sally Field and more were on hand Monday night in Manhattan to receive their prestigious New York Film Critics Circle honors, and ET was there!

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Watch the video to see if the stars are ready for the awards season onslaught, and to hear McConaughey talk about his serious weight loss and gain for a recent role – and about being a new dad again!

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McConaughey was named Best Supporting Actor for his performances in both Bernie and Magic Mike, while The Deep Blue Sea star Weisz was awarded the top female acting award of 2012 alongside Daniel Day-Lewis as Lincoln. Field was named Best Supporting Actress for Lincoln, and Zero Dark Thirty was named Best Picture, with its helmer Kathryn Bigelow nabbing the Best Director award.

CLICK HERE for the complete list of NYFCC awards.

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KCET's Huell Howser Dead at 67

California's Gold host Huell Howser passed away in Palm Springs Sunday of natural causes, KCET confirmed on Monday.

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The TV icon, best known for his enthusiasm and folksy demeanor, was 67 when he died at his home just months after retiring due to health concerns.

Howser made a name for himself as a reporter for Entertainment Tonight and CBS news. He went on to specialize in programs dedicated to small towns, landmarks, and places of interest in California.

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Michael J Fox NBC Comedy 2013

NBC brought their new and returning hits to The Television Critics Association Tour in Pasadena, CA this morning and one of the biggest headlines involved the content of Michael J. Fox's TV comeback.

Earlier this year, it was announced that the TV icon had his half-hour comedy pitch greenlit to series based solely off an idea (a rarity in this industry). This morning, Jennifer Salke, President of NBC Entertainment, detailed what the show would look like.

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Inspired by Fox's life, the still-untitled Fall comedy revolves around a father and a husband and family man who is grappling with his disease. Although his character is a newscaster, not an actor, who had resigned following his diagnosis. But thanks to a new drug, feels healthy and ready to return to work.

The story of the pilot is Fox's character coming back to the news with a special interest story and lot of great fun guest casting, Salke said. "At the end of the day, [Fox] approaches his work and his life with a lot of irreverence. He laughs at himself."

Remains to be seen if America laughs as well.

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Justin Bieber Weed Controversy Statement

After a photo of Justin Bieber allegedly holding a marijuana joint went viral on Friday, the singer took to Twitter in an attempt to clear the smoke.

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"Everyday growing and learning. Trying to be better. U get knocked down, u get up," he posted on January 5. "I see all of u. I hear all of u. I never want to let any of you down. I love u."

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While Bieber didn't directly address the photo, he went on to comment on his constant critics. "2013 ... new challenges. new doubters...Im ready. We are ready. see u all tomorrow and everyday after that," he wrote.

This was a rocky end to an already rough week for Bieber as a paparazzi attempting to get a photo of him was killed by a passing car. "While I was not present nor directly involved with this tragic accident, my thoughts and prayers are with the family of the victim," he said in a statement. "Hopefully this tragedy will finally inspire meaningful legislation and whatever other necessary steps to protect the lives and safety of celebrities, police officers, innocent public bystanders, and the photographers themselves."

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Mistresses First Look Exclusive Photo

This summer, Alyssa Milano returns to television with Mistresses, a complex ABC drama about four best friends and the controversial choices their hearts force them to confront.

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Featured in ETonline's exclusive first look photo are Yunjin Kim, Rochelle Aytes and Jes Macallan as the rest of Milano's foursome and Brett Tucker, Jason George and Erik Stocklin as the main men in their lives.

Inspired by the hit British drama, Mistresses promises to be titillating and thought-provoking in equal measure. Check out a sneak peek below!

premieres this summer on ABC.

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Dallas DVD Season One Exclusive Clip 2013

Fans and critics were skeptical of TNT's decision to launch a reboot of the seminal 70's series, Dallas, when it was announced back in 2010.

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But naysayers were quickly won over once the sensational continuation of life on Southfork begun airing in June 2012. A turn of events star Jesse Metcalfe chalks up to the "The marriage between the old cast members and the new cast members." That's what, he says, makes Dallas "magic."

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ETonline scored an exclusive sneak peek off the Dallas: The Complete First Season DVD, featuring Metcalfe, Brenda Strong, Linda Gray and other cast members explaining why the next chapter in Dallas' story is one worth telling ... and watching!

Dallas: The Complete First Season
hits DVD on January 8, click here to pre-order!

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Julianne Hough Reveals Horrific Childhood Abuse

Though Julianne Hough is known for her bubbly personality, it turns out not everything in her life has been so charmed.

Julianne covers Cosmopolitan's February issue, where she reveals she suffered mental and physical abuse while living in London as a young girl in order to pursue her dancing career. She attended the prestigious Italia Conti Academy of Arts on a five-year scholarship, along with her brother Derek.

Video: See Hough & Duhamel's Hot Romance in 'Safe Haven'

"While I was in London, I was abused, mentally, physically, everything," she reveals, and it didn't stop there -- she says it got worse when she "started hitting puberty, when I started becoming a woman and stopped being a little girl."

Though Julianne declines to go into the specific details, she does say that she was forced to push out an overly sexual image at a very young age.

"I was 10 years old looking like I was 28, being a very sensual dancer. I was a tormented little kid who had to put on this sexy facade because that was my job and my life. But my heart was the same, and I was this innocent little girl. I wanted so much love," she says. "I was told if I ever went back to the United States, three things were going to happen. One: I was going to amount to nothing. Two: I was going to work at Whataburger. And three: I was going to end up a slut. So, it was like, I can't go back. I have to be this person."

Related: Julianne Hough -- I'm 20 Pounds Heavier Since Dating Seacrest

Julianne of course did return to the United States, where she became a star thanks to her winning performances on Dancing with the Stars.

On a lighter note, Julianne also dishes to the magazine about her relationship with Ryan Seacrest.

"We love what we do. We take pride in giving it our all, but then when we're alone, we really focus in on going to dinners and being extra-romantic and affectionate and just being there for each other," she says.

And clearly, the two know how to keep the sparks alive -- Julianne recalls when the two were stranded and alone during Superstorm Sandy in New York, and took advantage of the rare time the two workaholics couldn't work.

"It was great," says Hough, smiling. "We put on some candles, had some sexy time....Ha!"

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